Determine an Electric Kit-Cat’s Age
This method of dating is for electric clocks only. If you have a Limited Edition Battery operated clock click HERE to discover the year it was made.
If the clock is battery operated it was made after 1990.
If the clock has an electric cord it was made before 1990.
If a stamped number is on the back that would mean it was produced from ’82-’89.
If the front of the clock has “Kit-Cat” on its clock face it was made after ‘82.
If there is no stamped number on the back, then it was produced from ’64-’81.
If the back of the clock states “San Juan Capistrano, CA” it was made mid ’60′s to early ’90′s.
If the back of the clock states “El Monte, CA” it was made in the early 60′s.
If it has a bow tie, it was made after 1954
If there is no bow tie, it was made before 1954.
If the back of the clock states “Seattle, WA” with a plastic back and has front paws it was made mid to late 50′s.
If the back of the clock states “Seattle, WA” with a plastic back and no front paws it was made in the early 50′s
If the back of the clock states “Seattle, WA” it was made in the 40′s if it has a metal back.
If the back of the clock states “Portland, OR” it was manufactured in the late 30′s and is very rare.