Determine an Electric Kit-Cat’s Age

This method of dating is for electric Kit-Cat Clocks only, find out how old your clock is.  If you have a Limited Edition Battery operated clock click HERE to discover the year it was made.

Repair Services: We do carry vintage edition parts in our shop but do not offer repair services. There are a number of Kit-Cat repair specialists however that we do recommend. You can contact them here

If the clock is battery operated it was made after 1990.

If the clock has an electric cord it was made before 1990.

If a stamped number is on the back that would mean it was produced from ’82-’89.

If the front of the clock has “Kit-Cat” on its clock face it was made after ‘82.



If there is no stamped number on the back, then it was produced from ’64-’81.

If the back of the clock states “San Juan Capistrano, CA” it was made mid ’60′s to early ’90′s.

If the back of the clock states “El Monte, CA” it was made in the early 60′s.
If it has a bow tie, it was made after 1954



If there is no bow tie, it was made before 1954.

If the back of the clock states “Seattle, WA” with a plastic back and has front paws it was made mid to late 50′s.

If the back of the clock states “Seattle, WA” with a plastic back and no front paws it was made in the early 50′s

If the back of the clock states “Seattle, WA” it was made in the 40′s if it has a metal back.



If the back of the clock states “Portland, OR” it was manufactured in the late 30′s and is very rare.

Limited Edition Kit-Cats

Limited Edition Clocks are only manufactured for a single year at the Kit-Cat factory.  Once we sell out of our stocks, they can only be found hidden in small mom and pop shops across the country or being traded online.  Your Kit-Cat may be worth more than when you bought it!

All Battery Kit-Cats were made after 1990 while all Electric Kit-Cats were made before 1990.  In the late 1980s our electric motor manufacturers moved over to Asia, forcing us to retire the electric Kit-Cat Clocks.

Electric Kit-Cat Clocks

C-1 Black
C-2 Red
C-3 White
C-4 Ivory
C-5 Yellow
C-6 Pink
C-7 Baby Blue
C-8 Lilac
C-9 Tan
C-10 Orange
C-11 Copper
C-12 Silver
C-13 Avocado
C-14 Dark Blue
C-15 Spring Green
C-16 Peach
C-17 Chocolate Brown

Battery Kit-Cat Clocks

BC-1 Black 1989
BC-2 Flamingo Red 1992
BC-3 Teal 1992
BC-4 White 1992
BC-5 Pink (light) 1993
BC-6 Rio Red 1994
BC-7 Wedgewood Blue 1994
BC-8 Antique Ivory 1995
BC-9 Sunflower Yellow 1995
BC-10 Candy Apple Red 1996
KC-1 Black Kitty-Cat 1996
BC-11 Purrfect Pink 1996
BC-12 Snow White 1997
BC-13 Blueberry Blue 1997
BC-14 French Lilac 1998
BC-15 Sea Foam Green 1998
CC-16 Cranberry Red 1999
MC-21 Chrome 2000
BC-17 Midnight Blue 2001
LBC-12 White Lady 2001
BC-18 Ivy Green 2002
LBC-11 Hot Pink Lady 2002
LBC-19 Sunshine Yellow Lady 2003
BC-20 Flamingo Pink 2003
BC-22 Turquoise 2003
LBC-20 Flamingo Pink Lady 2004
LBC-22 Turquoise Lady 2004
BC-24 Tabby Cat 2004
LBC-23 Rosey Plum Lady 2005
LBC-25 Candy Cane Red Lady 2006
KC-10 Red Kitty-Cat 2006
BC-75 75th Anniversary Black 2007
BCR-75 75th Anniversary Red 2007
LBC-26 Sky Blue Lady 2007
BC-66 Black Route 66 2008
KC-3 Baby Blue Kitty-Cat 2008
MKC-2 Pink Miss Kitty-Cat 2008
BC76R Red Spirit of 76 2008
BC76W White Spirit of 76 2008
BC76B Blue Spirit of 76 2008
LBC-27 Lime Green Lady 2009
MKC-4 Lime Green Miss Kitty 2009
LBC-28 Wisteria Lady 2010
BC-29 Seashell Cream 2010
LBC-30 Honeysuckle Pink Lady 2011
BC-31 Red Rose Float 2011
BC-32 Sapphire Blue 2012
LBC-33 Tangerine Tango Lady 2012
BC-31GD Game Day Red 2012
BC-32GD Game Day Blue 2012
BC-33GD Game Day Orange 2012
BC-34 Hunter Green 2013
BC-34GD Game Day Green 2013
LBC-35 Emerald Green Lady 2013
BC-36 Burgundy 2014
LBC-37 Radiant Orchid Lady 2014
LBC-1 Classic Black Lady 2014
BC-38 Modern Art 2015
LBC-39 Strawberry Ice Lady 2015
BC-42GD Scarlet Game Day 2015
KC-5 Scuba Blue Kitty 2015
BC-42 Scarlet 2015
LBC-40 Serenity Blue Lady 2016
MKC-6 White Miss Kitty-Cat 2016
BC-41 Fun Chartreuse 2016
LBC-41 Fun Chartreuse Lady 2016
BC-40 Serenity Blue 2017
LBC-42 Scarlet Lady 2017
BC-43 Pumpkin Delight 2017
LBC-43 Pumpkin Delight Lady 2017
BC-43AD Autumn Delight 2017
BC-44 Green Beauty 2017
LBC-44 Green Beauty Lady 2017
BC-45 Ultra Violet 2018
LBC-45 Ultra Violet Lady 2018