A Classic since 1932

Check out why our clocks are the #1 selling clock still made in the USA!
An indelible part of American history
Kit-Cat Klocks, with their happy and catchy look, have been an indelible part of American history for over 80 years. We're committed to keeping this part of Americana alive by preserving the same look that's lasted since the 1950s. And, as always, Kit-Cat Klocks are made in America to ensure their authenticity and value as an iconic piece of American culture that'll brighten up any space with their contagious smile.

Classic Black
Kit-Cat Klock

- Original Size Kit-Cat Klock
- Featuring the famous rolling eyes, wagging tail, and contagious smile
- Proudly Made in America by the original manufacturer
- Runs on 2C batteries, not included
- His iconic design hasn’t changed since a bow tie was added in the 1950s.

Clocking Around

Get a Kit-Cat Faster Than a Tic-Tac