World’s Largest Kit-Cat

KitCat_alternates28Apply now to host the World’s Largest Fully Functional Kit-Cat (6ft. tall) for 3 months at your store.

Receive 10% off Kit-Cat orders while the Big KC is displayed at your store. Both the timepiece and animation work in this unique replica. This is a powerful POS tool to drive customers into your store as well as to bring to trade shows and special events.  The World’s Largest Kit-Cat has been used extremely successfully by Kit-Cat stores across North America.

To participate, submit your store information below for a chance to win 3 months rent free use of this Clock.  During those 3 months, you’ll receive 10% off the wholesale price of Kit-Cat Clocks and access to exclusive dealer promotions.  The only cost is shipment to and from your store.

    Store Name (* required):

    Email (* required):

    Direct Phone (* required):

    How would you use the World's Largest Fully Functional Kit-Cat Clock?

    What kind of events would you host at your store?

    When would you like to receive the clock (3 month period)?

    Terms and Conditions:

    By submitting this application, I (type your name below) agree to the full Big KC Terms and Conditions if accepted.

    Agreement Summary:

    Whereas, our store desires to have the use of The World’s Largest Kit-Cat Clock (CLOCK) owned by the California Clock Company (CCC) during the term of this agreement;

    Whereas, the Dealer wishes to prominently use the CLOCK at Dealer’s retail location to promote Dealer’s store and the sales of Kit-Cat Clocks for a period of 3 months.

    Whereas, Dealer and CCC intend that ownership of the CLOCK shall remain fully CCC’s and that the CLOCK will be returned to CCC in good condition by the Dealer, at Dealer’s expense by the end of the term;

    Click here to read the full Big KC Terms and Conditions.

    By clicking "Submit" I have read and agree to the terms and conditions

    California Clock LLC
    Phone: (866) 982-4177
    P.O. Box 1166 Worthington, OH 43085